Tennessee Alliance for Progress

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Nashville, TN, USA

EIN Number: 30-475220

contact information

Phone: 615-430-2455

Hours: No Set Business Hours - Call to Inquire

Website: https://www.taptn.org/

NTEE Code: C99: Environment N.E.C.


TAP's mission is to enable people to participate in building a prosperous, just and sustainable Tennessee. We contribute to this effort by supporting and developing a new generation of grassroots leadership across Tennessee. Through community-based education, critical analysis and fostering solidarity, we strive to support a growing movement that will transform our communities from the ground up. We also believe that climate change is a defining issue of our generation and place a particular emphasis on the work of climate justice.


Compass Conference A regular statewide conference bringing together leaders and organizers to foster collaboration around common agendas. Clean Energy Campaign TAP convenes Climate Nashville and Climate Chattannooga - coalitions specifically dedicated to climate change mitigation. Listening Tour TAP is currently engaged in a statewide listening tour to hear the concerns of residents, with the goal of linking residents to emerging and ongoing organizing efforts. Arts and Activism Promote effective activism by combining social themes with the arts - particularly music. Provide concerts and train grassroots activists to engage in arts and activism.


Services Offered

  • Climate Change Crisis

Populations Served

  • Economically Disadvantaged People

Social Media
