Christian Community Services, Inc.
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601 Benton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204, USA
EIN Number: 62-1702753
contact information
Phone: (615) 297-4024
Hours: No Set Business Hours - Call to Inquire
NTEE Code: S20: Community & Neighborhood Development
CCSI's mission is to equip and empower underserved families, through caring relationships, to achieve a legacy of social, spiritual, and economic self-sufficiency.
CCSI emphasizes the importance of communities and families living in harmony, making positive choices, and taking personal responsibility for one’s beliefs, attitudes and actions. Althoguht faith inspires CCSI’s work and spiritual development is part of its mission, there is no religious expectation or requirement. All are welcome.
Economic Empowerment CCSI currently offers three programs: Basic Financial Training (BFT), Mentoring Towards Independence (MTI), and First-Time Homebuyer Education. The programs differ in focus and intensity, but each has economic empowerment as a central theme. The financial literacy components of our services are based on curricula that have defined industry standards. Basic Financial Training (BFT) BFT is an 8 hour, financial literacy workshop that was created as an eviction prevention resource for residents of their Hope VI communities. The workshop highlights the fundamentals of money management: budgeting and “smart” spending; saving; managing bank accounts; credit/debt; and financial preparation for pursuing higher education or specialized training, homeownership, small business start-up, etc. Today, BFT serves people regardless of their incomes, however, the majority of participants are lower-income families. Since the program began, almost 100% of participants had household incomes less than 60% of the area’s median income. Each session has the capacity to serve 25 families. To graduate, participants must attend the session, create a realistic household budget, complete all assignments, and pass the post test. BFT is typically offered three times per year. Mentoring Towards Independence (MTI) MTI was CCSI’s original flagship program, which is now offered to BFT graduates with annual household incomes between 100-200% of the federal poverty guidelines. The MTI program typically accepts about 15-20 families and they are paired with volunteer mentors who attend classes with the participants and are in contact at least once a week outside of class. Volunteer food teams provide the weekly meals, and tutors meet with the children for homework assistance and curriculum implementation. P.A.S.S. (Children's Program) MTI includes a children’s component, which we call P.A.S.S. (Personal Academic, Social, and Spiritual). It was added to take advantage of the 9 months we have with MTI participants’ children. The goal is to facilitate positive development, and create an experience to support journeys of growth and change for the children similar to their parents. Infants and older engage in activities that promote age appropriate social and emotional as well as academic and economic development and readiness. Students in grades 1-12 are involved in curricula that mirrors their parents, to reinforce the economic, social , emotional, and spiritual aspects of a healthy and well-balanced life. First-Time Homebuyer Education (Pre Purchase) First Time Homebuyer Education (HBE) is an 8-hour workshop that focuses on the financial and legal aspects of owning a home and provides insight about what first-timers can expect throughout the home-buying process.
Services Offered
- Adult Education
- Financial Counseling
- Housing Search Assistance
- Housing Support Services
Populations Served
- Adults
- Children & Youth
- Economically Disadvantaged People
- Individuals Under 21
Social Media
601 Benton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37204, USA
No Set Business Hours - Call to Inquire
Services Offered
- Adult Education
- Financial Counseling
- Housing Search Assistance
- Housing Support Services
Populations Served
- Adults
- Children & Youth
- Economically Disadvantaged People
- Individuals Under 21